Hybrid Agency snatches 1st place at the Data Driven YMCE Awards


Hybrid Agency snatches 1st place at the Data Driven YMCE Awards


On November 29, the tension was high for ‘our’ Diego Llera, who represented Hybrid Agency at the Data Driven YMCE Awards during UMA Day. And he did so with great success! Together with his teammate Laura Sierra Alvarez from the agency Space, he claimed 1st place, a great recognition for our digital strategy manager and, by extension, for the entire Hybrid team.

Data Driven is a specific part of the Young Media & Channel Experts competition. In recent years, communication, advertising, and media agencies have increasingly focused on talented data analysts and online marketers. In 2017, YMCE introduced the Data Driven Awards to highlight this particular area of expertise.

Through this, Hybrid Agency would like to congratulate the winners, Laura Sierra Alvarez (Space) and Diego Llera (Hybrid), for their outstanding achievement. See you next year!

The Road to the Final…

How did it all start for Hybrid Agency? On Tuesday, October 16, the participants were given a briefing from an unknown client at the time (Volkswagen Belgium). The 8 participating teams had to present their Data Driven marketing analyses and recommendations to the YMCE jury by the end of the day. For Hybrid Agency, besides Diego, our colleague Alexander also participated. He represented our team excellently but unfortunately did not make it to the nominations.

However, the duo Diego and Laura were eventually named one of the three nominated teams. This nomination for participation in UMA Day was already a recognition for Hybrid Agency’s commitment to offering opportunities to young data analysts and online marketers.

What are the YMCE Awards?

Young Media & Channel Experts is an international initiative supported in Belgium by Welcome Media, IP, VAR, and Bisnode. This competition aims to provide media agencies, particularly young talents in advertising and marketing, with a platform for greater visibility. During the awards, participants are challenged to come up with the most creative and innovative solutions based on a real briefing from an advertiser.

For more information about the awards, visit the YMCE website.

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