Google Data Studio – A real-time overview of your marketing results


Google Data Studio – A real-time overview of your marketing results

What is Google Data Studio?

Google Data Studio is a tool from Google that provides data visualization and visual reports of your traffic. This can include paid traffic such as SEA, organic traffic (SEO), email marketing, social media, etc. It is also often referred to as a visual dashboard. It is very user-friendly and consolidates various data from different platforms. As you can tell, it is a tool from Google. This tool offers many benefits. For example, your data is automatically updated every day, and the tool is completely free for everyone.

All Your Data in One Place: 5 Reasons to Use Google Data Studio

End of the month? Then it’s probably time for reporting and interim analyses for you as well. Honestly, how long do you spend on such a report? Right, too long. You gather figures, graphs, and screenshots, and piece everything together.

To make the reporting process smoother, more efficient, and clearer, Google created the application Data Studio.

Below, you’ll find 5 reasons why a digital dashboard like Google Data Studio definitely adds value to your business.

1. Time-saving, quick answers to your questions

With Google Data Studio , you benefit from a high level of automation. This means you’ll know within seconds which social media channels are or aren’t delivering the desired results.

Additionally, not every report needs to answer the same types of questions. The structure and content of your reports also depend on the company. Thanks to Google Data Studio, you can quickly pull the necessary information from other data sources without having to dig through various applications and separate reports.

2. Clear and Organized

Since your data comes from various (types of) sources, your report can quickly become a maze where your client can easily get lost.

With a digital dashboard, you don’t run that risk. The essence is immediately clear, both in terms of content and visuals, enhancing communication and transparency with your client. It’s all advantages for the collaboration!

3. Real-time updates in Google Data Studio

Data is not static; it constantly changes, especially in a digital context. Your high-performing Facebook post could suddenly become the talk of the town within minutes.

The dashboards you create with Google Data Studio are interactive and dynamic, with data being updated in real time. This immediately solves the problem of static screenshots that are always behind the facts.

4. Always and everywhere accessible

Your PowerPoint presentation is neatly saved on your company’s server. But what if you’re out of the office and your client urgently needs some data or additional explanations?

Google Data Studio is accessible anywhere and anytime, even via your smartphone. This allows you to quickly respond to client inquiries and show them that you have the necessary flexibility. You can easily share dashboards with other users/clients, and you can also decide who can ‘edit’ your dashboard or just ‘view’ it. In short, it’s super convenient and accessible!

5. High-quality and in-depth data presentation

Google Data Studio is definitely not a basic tool that just summarizes what’s happening across your various Google applications.

With this digital dashboard, you can display data as extensively as you want. This allows you to focus on specific parameters and compare data from one period with another. It’s also the perfect tool for in-depth analysis across periods. You can easily filter certain data. Applying a filter is sometimes necessary when you only want an overview of paid campaigns (SEA). These filters can be applied to any graph or table.